Artwork by suzanne l. vinson
Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry welcomes all seminary women to submit a sermon for our biannual Preaching Award. The preacher who is chosen will receive a cash award of $250 and will also be invited to preach her winning sermon at our annual Feast: A Festival of Word, Table and Image, which will be held at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, on Friday, May 5th, 2017.
Please note: to qualify for the award, you must be able to attend Feast as our guest on May 5 and preach your sermon.
Our theme this year is Transitions, animated by these words of Scripture:
“Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9 (GNT)
Qualifying sermons will illuminate a Scripture passage related to our theme and may be drawn from the following list or a passage of your own choosing (as long as compatibility with the theme is adequately demonstrated).
- Genesis 12:1-9
- Exodus 3:1-12
- Deuteronomy 31:1-8
- Ruth 1:6-18
- Esther 4:1-17
- Jeremiah 1:4-10
- Matthew 4:1-11
- Luke 1:26-38
- Luke 5:1-11
- John 2:1-12
- Acts 2:1-21
- Acts 9:1-19
- Acts 10:9-23
- Your own choice
Sermons should be 12-15 minutes in length. A manuscript and video of the sermon should be submitted to preachingaward@vbwim.org by April 3, 2017. Please read your chosen passage of scripture as part of the recording and upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo and send us the link; do not send the file itself. Do include your sermon manuscript as an email attachment. In your email, please include your seminary name and year.
You may also contact us at preachingaward@vbwim.org org with questions.