As part of our 30th Anniversary Celebration last year, we offered some extra opportunities for Feast attendees to interact with and learn from some of our special guests. We continue the tradition this year and are offering two “pre-event” workshops beginning at 1:30pm, the first of which will be led by singer/songwriter Kyle Matthews, and the second by Jenny Call, University Chaplain at Hollins University. Jenny’s workshop description is below.

Finding Yourself Through Story
Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” In this workshop, we will reflect upon what our personal stories have to teach us about who we are, who Jesus is, and how to find our place in God’s bigger story of revelation and redemption. The aim is to learn a process for making meaning through our stories and reflecting theologically on how we have experienced God through our experiences. There will be opportunity for participants to think through, write, or talk through a portion of one of their stories with a partner.
While there is no additional charge to attend the workshops, we do ask that when you register for Feast, you let us know if you plan to attend one or both workshops so we can make sure we have enough chairs!
We look forward to hosting you at Feast this year.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Grace Baptist Church, Richmond, VA
Address: 4200 Dover Rd, Richmond, VA
Times: 1:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Costs: $45 regular, $40 VBWIM member, $20 student
Full scholarships are available. Inquire at
Registration deadline: April 26, 2019 Extended to April 29!
1 Comment
Feast 2019: Event Details – Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry · April 26, 2019 at 12:28 pm
[…] Pre-event Check-in 1:30-2:15, Breakout #1: Kyle Matthews 2:30-3:15, Breakout #2: Jenny Call 3:30-4:00, Welcome Reception and Check-in 4:00-5:30, Opening Worship Service w/ Jacque […]
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