Online registration is now open. Purchase tickets, become a sponsor, make a donation – any or all of the above!
Friday, May 2, 2025
Richmond’s First Baptist Church, Richmond, VA
Address: 2709 Monument Ave, Richmond VA, 23220
Times: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Costs: $45 regular, $20 student
Several full scholarships are available courtesy of our sponsors. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Registration deadline: April 24, 2025 (we can sneak a few people in after, so contact us if you miss the deadline)
Our theme, Uncovering the Sacred, will guide us in our worship and our conversations.
We begin and close the day in worship. We are still working on the final confirmations for our two preachers and will announce them soon.
New this year, after lunch we will host a “Ministry Lab,” an opportunity to explore the Feast theme in the context of our own various ministries. The afternoon will begin with a panel discussion where we’ll ask participants, “How do you uncover the sacred?” followed by an opportunity to engage in small group conversation with our panelists and each other.
Tentative Schedule
10:00-10:30 Check-in & Gathering
10:30-11:30 Opening Worship
11:30-1:00 Lunch & Fellowship
1:00-1:45 Panel Discussion
1:45-2:00 Break
2:00-2:45 Table Conversations
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-4:00 Closing Worship w/ Communion
Feast gathers us to nurture our creative, caring, spiritual selves through our very presence. We will gather together at table to enjoy a beautifully prepared meal, feast through sermons and our voices in worship, and delight using our senses through a diverse worship experience. Come, enjoy and share the tastes of the day.