Online registrations is now closed. Contact us to see if we might have space for you.

Friday, May 4, 2018
River Road Church, Baptist, Richmond, VA
Address: 8000 River Rd, Richmond, VA
Times: 1:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Costs: $45 regular, $40 VBWIM member, $20 student (New this year: $25 dinner only ticket)
Registration deadline: April 30, 2018
Our 10th Anniversary Feast will be a celebration of 30 years of Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry. Our worship and fellowship will focus on the ways women have been empowered to live out our call as faithful ministers of Christ. Our theme will be animated by the following scripture:
“We are not among those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have faith and so are saved.” ~ Hebrews 10:39
These fabulous women will be providing leadership for us in our worship:
- Rev. Courtney Allen, Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church
- Dr. Linda McKinnish Bridges, President, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond
- Ms. Kate Campbell, Singer, Songwriter, and Musician
- Dr. Pam Durso, Executive Director, Baptist Women in Ministry
Additionally, we will feature a gallery (displays as well as items for sale) created by our own VBWIM members. (If you are interested in participating in the gallery, please contact Nancy Stanton McDaniel for more information.)
Tentative Schedule
1:00-1:30, Pre-event Check-in
1:30-2:15, Breakout #1: Kate Campbell
2:30-3:15, Breakout #2: Pam Durso
3:30-4:00, Gallery Open and Check-in
4:00-4:30, Welcome and History of VBWIM
4:30-5:30, Opening Worship Service w/ Courtney Allen and Kate Campbell
5:30-6:45, Dinner and Business Session
7:00-8:00, Closing Worship Service w/ Linda McKinnish Bridges and Kate Campbell
8:00-8:30, Gallery Open
Feast gathers us to nurture our creative, caring, spiritual selves through our very presence. We will gather together at table to enjoy a beautifully prepared meal, feast through sermons and our voices in worship, and delight using our senses through a diverse worship experience. Come, enjoy and share the tastes of the day.