Register for Feast!
Friday, May 1, 2015 ~ River Road Church, Baptist, Richmond. Our theme is be.loved and will feature preaching by Christy Foldenauer, Nancy Stanton McDaniel, Ayuko White, and our seminarian preaching award winner.
Friday, May 1, 2015 ~ River Road Church, Baptist, Richmond. Our theme is be.loved and will feature preaching by Christy Foldenauer, Nancy Stanton McDaniel, Ayuko White, and our seminarian preaching award winner.
Feast 2015 ~ be.loved Friday, May 1, 2015 ~ River Road Church, Baptist, Richmond, VA 2015 Festival Sponsorship levels include the following: Visionary – $750 Link to your organization on VBWIM’s website Display Table available for your organization during festival Opportunity to place organizational material in participant bags Name listed in printed Read more…
Friday, May 2, 2014 ~ Crozet Baptist Church, Crozet, VA Registration & Dinner Costs: $45 regular ticket/$40 for VBWIM members/$20 for students Registration deadline: April 25, 2014 Festival times: 3:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Gathering begins: 3:00 p.m. Childcare available with advance registration. Feast gathers us to nurture our creative, caring, Read more…
Registration is now open for our annual Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry dinner at the BGAV meeting. The meeting this year will be in Fredericksburg and Fredericksburg Baptist is graciously hosting our dinner. Tickets are $15 for VBWIM members and $20 for guests. (Current seminary students enjoy half-price tickets at Read more…
The Feast Festival Gallery displays the ways in which the act of speaking/preaching/teaching can be shared through image. The gallery contributions may represent a spiritual discipline, a way in which you connect with God, or a way in which you use your God-given abilities. The contribution may serve to interpret scripture or the created world. We would like to see what you create and hear a little of your story.
We’ve extended the deadline to purchase tickets for dinner and the BGAV meeting Tuesday night. The deadline is now Friday. Please join us!
Registration is now open for our annual Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry dinner at the BGAV meeting. The meeting this year will be in Roanoke and Calvary Baptist is graciously hosting our dinner. Tickets are $15 for VBWIM members and $20 for guests. (Current seminary students enjoy half-price tickets at Read more…
A belated reflection upon Feast from Jenny Call’s blog, “Called: Documenting my journey of faith as a minister, mother, daughter, wife, and friend; seeking to follow my calling and learning to embrace the beauty that surrounds me.” Read it on her blog.
suzanne l. vinson lives a creative life as an artist, mother, blogger, ordained minister, creative facilitator, and retreat leader. through her work, she encourages others to encounter the sacred by engaging the creative spirit and becoming attentive to the present moment utilizing tools such as guided imagery, deep breathing, and Read more…