Feast Sponsorship 2018
Are you or your organization interested in sponsoring Feast? Sponsorship levels start at just $100 and include tickets to the event.
Are you or your organization interested in sponsoring Feast? Sponsorship levels start at just $100 and include tickets to the event.
We are so thrilled with the beautiful artwork Rev. Anna Miller created for Feast this year, we just had to share it some more! Hope you are planning to join us on May 5 from 3pm-8pm at Tabernacle Baptist Church for Feast: Transitions. Deadline to register is this Friday, April Read more…
Tracy was a member of the first class of M. Div. students at BTSR and won the Miller Award for Academic Achievement upon her graduation in 1995. Her graduate work at Union included ground-breaking research into the relationship between parish setting and preaching style for women pastors. Tracy teaches courses in preaching Read more…
After interesting and varied careers as high school history teacher, office manager/paralegal, registered lobbyist in DC and ecclesiastical history professor for twenty years at academic institutions both in the US and in Europe, Phyllis completed her career as the John F. Loftis Professor of Church History at the Baptist Theological Read more…
Are you or your organization interested in sponsoring Feast? Sponsorship levels start at just $100 and include tickets to the event.
Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry welcomes all seminary women to submit a sermon for our biannual Preaching Award. The preacher who is chosen will receive a cash award of $250 and will also be invited to preach her winning sermon at our annual Feast: A Festival of Word, Table and Read more…
This year’s feast will be May 5, 2017, at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Richmond, VA. More details soon, but get it on your calendar now! You won’t want to miss it.
Let’s be honest. This website has been languishing and it needs some new life. We’d like it to become more than just an announcement of our group’s existence and the place one visits to register for our events. We’d like to link to content created by women in ministry. We’d like to provide Read more…
Friday, May 6, 2016 ~ Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond, VA Address: 1200 Wilmington Ave, Richmond, VA Times (tentative): 3pm – 8pm Costs: $45 regular, $40 VBWIM member, $20 student Registration is now open!! Feast gathers us to nurture our creative, caring, spiritual selves through our very presence. We will gather together at table to Read more…
Feast 2016 ~ For You Shall Go Out in Joy Friday, May 6, 2016 ~ Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond, VA Festival Sponsorship levels include the following: Visionary $750 Link to your organization on VBWIM’s website Display Table available for your organization during Feast Opportunity to place organizational material in participant bags Name listed Read more…