Feast 2012 – Save the date!
The date has been set for our next Feast. This year’s event will be at Tomahawk Baptist Church in Midlothian (near Richmond) on Friday, April 27 from 2:30 – 8:30p. Get it on your calendar now, as it is an event Read more…
The date has been set for our next Feast. This year’s event will be at Tomahawk Baptist Church in Midlothian (near Richmond) on Friday, April 27 from 2:30 – 8:30p. Get it on your calendar now, as it is an event Read more…
Deadline extended until Sunday, November 6! There is still time to purchase your tickets online. Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry will once again host a dinner at the BGAV annual meeting, centrally located this year in Richmond. Our dinner will Read more…
A History of Virgina Baptist Women in Ministry, 1998-2008 Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry announced the publication of their new book,Celebrating Twenty Years: A History of Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry, 1998-2008,at their 20th Anniversary Celebration dinner and program on Read more…
Virginia Baptist Women in Ministry presents: Feast: Festival of Word, Table & Image a celebration through sermon, food, and art Friday, April 27, 2012 ~ Tomahawk Baptist Church, Midlothian, VA Registration fee: $45/$40 for VBWIM members Registration deadline: April 23, 2012 Read more…
Feast is a gathering in which we nurture our creative, caring, spiritual selves through our very presence. We will gather together at table to enjoy a beautifully prepared meal, feast through sermons and our voices in worship, and delight using our senses Read more…
Global wealth and poverty. When we read scripture we find many lessons and stories about possessions; parables and narratives about being rich and being poor; and sermons and letters about the economy of the community and kingdom. What are we Read more…
Mark 12:38-44 Jesus Denounces the Scribes 38 As he taught, he said, ‘Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the market-places, 39and to have the best seats in Read more…
When asked to write on poverty, my first thought was that women and children are most frequently the poorest of the poor. My research reveals that I was correct in my assumption about women – but with qualifications. And, I Read more…
She walked into my office with the bill in her hand and a combination of humiliation and anger on her face. She was behind in her rent and the housing agency wanted the money now. She sat in the chair Read more…
We see it every day—the Sally Struther’s child, sad and hungry on display in front of a television camera. ‘Feed the children’ they beg, ‘Their happiness depends on you.’ I have seen these children. I have seen children living in Read more…